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Few clicks to personalize your app and web-app

We release and manage personalized app and web-app in order
to equip your community with first party data collection tools.

Video stories
News feed
Event calendar
Smartphone browsing the Be hashtag platform
Laptop browsing the Be hashtag platform
Phone on hand

How we apply our zero cost policy ?

As far as you have a community and you want to monetize it, we invest technology in your community: see pricing or

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scroll down to discover

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Based on digital habits of users and best digital 
practices of top leading platforms

Thanks to our solutions you can combine “social media like” features, engage your members and benefit of continuous innovation.

Video stories

Video stories

Video stories


















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Identity, collaboration and simplified management: three principles
to support your community

Your identity matters

Your identity matters icon

We provide advanced solutions for developing the digital identity of your community, your own “branded” digital space. We combine technology solutions, legal solutions and monetization solutions to boost the sense of belonging to your community.

Collaboration first

Collaboration first icon

No worries for the management efforts, our solutions are based on the idea of roles and contribution. Members selected by you will be able to support the daily digital life of your community according to clear guidelines for topics, interactions and behaviors.

Simplified management
 means less efforts

Simplified management icon

• Content management
• Content broadcasting
• Users management
We study the best tools to simplify your efforts and optimize the time dedicated to your digital development.

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Discover our main templates and choose what fits for your community

We build app and web-app formats according to best combination of digital functionalities and habits created by social media and other top engaging platforms.
The principle is simple: engage your members on intuitive and dynamic features.

Community app & web-app

For communities “rich” of contents and contributors able to feed the digital daily life of your members.

Community app & web-app image

Video wall app & web-app

For communities looking for easy publishing leveraging 60 seconds stories able to redirect anywhere in the web.

Video wall app & web-app image

Football app & web-app

For sport clubs and federations aiming to engage fans like a top level sport brand.

Football app & web-app image

...or just ask us and we will propose the best set of features for your case.

Your feature here image
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Remember... You will be the “owner” of your data. We give you the legal control of your community data!

This is a radical change comparing to other market players offering you an account on their platform.
Being data controller means that:

  • You will generate first party data

  • You will be privacy compliant

  • Your database will finally be relevant for sponsors

owner of your data illustration
First party data solution!
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All our apps and web-apps are integrated with a great opportunity:
a monetization platform able to generate revenues for your community

SOS logotype

Digital advertising platform to manage sponsors selected by you

We equip you with the possibility to select your sponsors and propose innovative digital formats of interaction with your community members. It is time to monetize the value of your community!

  • Sponsors dashboard to access community packages

  • Full control on adv content

  • Digital payment process

  • Campaign analytics for sponsors & community

  • Community dashboard to manage digital adv formats & packages

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We support you in growing resources and skills

Our model represents a great way to involve young generations and digital people in your community.
By supporting you for training and skills development among your most engaged community members we create the opportunity to solve problems like lack of human resources and time.


Training illustration

Opportunity to develop
 digital skills

Digital skills illustration

Members contribution

Members contribution illustration

Time & Resources for the 

Time & Resources illustration
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Zero costs illustration

Customized solutions for bespoke projects!

Each organization and community has unique requirements. Depending on your business type, size, and the platforms required for your digital transformation, we offer various packages tailored to:

  • Annual SaaS licensing arrangements

  • Revenue-sharing models for advertising revenue

  • Hybrid approaches combining licensing and revenue-sharing components

Contact us to learn more

Platform mockup
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Contact us, we will be happy to talk with you

Feel free to ask all your questions, we will answer you as soon as possible!

Contact us

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